Sunday 16 August 2015

Politically incorrect journeys (1): Sweden

This is a travel blog about Malmö, Scandinavia and the failure of multiracialism throughout northern Europe. It's not a regular blog but a collection of extracts from a book. Entries are a mix of diary and reportage, based on extensive travel and residence in north Europe.

Taken from the free downloadable book Kebabville & Zone: Click HERE

See also:

My synopsis of Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab in English:

Jalan Jalan, my take on Malaysia, Singapore and Batam:

Ever wondered what it is like living in Malmo, Sweden's most multiracial city? Here are two views, from this Swedish-language website

College student in western Malmö:

I would like to remain anonymous, given what could happen if someone finds out what I write here. As a Swede, Malmö is pure hell, every day it feels like I’m sent to hell and back . Each damned day you hear epithets like ‘damn svenne [immigrant slang for Swede],’ ‘you disgusting Swedish whore’, ‘we blattar [Swedish slang for non-Nordic immigrant] will take over your poor Swede land,’ etc. I dare not walk alone in the streets of Malmö any longer. Several times I have been the victim of foul language or been molested by immigrants. I do not think that this text will be published as I am speak about immigrants, and in Sweden today, it is strictly forbidden to speak badly about immigrants.

I want to move far from Malmö and far from Sweden, to where I will not be insulted for being Swedish in my own country. Malmö is a dangerous city if you’re not the right person. The right person means that you are part of a gang that protects your back or you are a criminal, and are respected for being a criminal by people who fear that you will harm them. There are times when I wish I were not Swedish, in the hope of respected and treated as well as non-Swedes.

I’m afraid that something dreadful will happen when I’m walking home from a friend at ten in the evening. I no longer dare to walk alone at night. When I was molested by immigrants (I’m not saying that all immigrants in Malmö are uncivilized, I have many friends who are immigrants, and that are wonderful people who do not deserve to be tarred with the same brush that immigrants are bad people) it happened at 12:00 in broad daylight. I want to walk alone as a girl without being bothered, move FREELY and not have to worry! Of course there are bad Swedes but no fellow Swede ever did anything bad to me ... In schools, teachers treat immigrants with greater respect than Swedes, because the teachers think that the immigrants would be offended if they are also nice to us Swedes.

Suuz, aged 28:

When we got to Sweden, were really happy because here it’s safe country, because we thought that a country without war is safe, but now I know that a country without war need not be secure, it’s not about war or someone who kills people, but it is about whether one is comfortable with one’s  life and being treated in a good way and not feeling like a stranger ...
In Malmö and especially in Rosengård, I feel really safe! It is rumoured that there are a lot of criminals who go and kill people and that everyone is afraid to come to Rosengård. But it is not that dangerous. I mean if you want to come to Rosengård nobody will eat you or hurt you, you need not fear for anything, believe me, if you go to Rosengård you will certainly feel the difference, as what it says in the mass media is not true, they have only given a negative image of Rosengård, they forget the positives! I love Rosengård and always will, because it’s the only place I can see how people care about each other!

Taken from the free downloadable book Kebabville & Zone: Click HERE

Saturday 15 August 2015



Politically incorrect journeys (2): Sweden

This is a travel blog about Malmö, Scandinavia and the failure of multiracialism throughout northern Europe.

In 1975, the Swedish government decided to officially declare basically homogenous Sweden a “multicultural” nation. The main motivation was the laudable impulse to help refugees. Sweden was not alone in this idealism; Denmark, for example, also passed a law in 1983 effectively granting “every person on earth the right to asylum in Denmark,” according to Morten Uhrskov Jensen in Et delt folk (A divided people). But Sweden really meant it. Since 1980, over 1.5 million long-term residency permits have been handed out, to refugees and other migrants, bloating its population to 9.5 million. More or less from the moment they set foot on Swedish soil, new arrivals are called “nyanlända svenskar” (newly landed Swedes), whether or not they have any ethnic or any other connection with the country, or knowledge of the Swedish language.

The Swedish government loves asylum seekers. In 2013, it took in 135,000, almost 20 percent of the whole EU refugee intake that year, and more than any other country in the union, including Germany, which has nine times Sweden’s population. (Neighbouring Finland, by contrast, keeps its annual asylum approvals at a fraction of that level, in the low thousands). The inflow has grown so fast that the Swedes are running out of accommodation, and are having to house new arrivals in campsites and warehouses. The impact on daily life in Sweden’s cities and towns is clear at a glance, even to the casual visitor.

The implications for Sweden’s future as the homeland of the Swedes are more serious. Under Swedish law, Swedish nationality has become meaningless. All humans are now potentially Swedes. The government recently announced, without bothering to run it past the Swedish electorate, that permanent residence (Permanent Uppehållstillstånd, or PUT), would be given directly to all Syrian refugees who had made it to Sweden, and to their families as well, bypassing any multi-year application process. The decision was evidently taken by a single senior bureaucrat at the Swedish Migration Agency, Mikael Ribbenvik. Since almost all non-combatants in a country at war can call themselves “refugees,” and objective, reliable documentation of such claims is almost impossible, this measure effectively means the 20 million remaining Syrians have as much right to live in Sweden as Swedish citizens, almost immediately, if they can just get there. Because of the travel difficulty, only 16,000 asylum applications were in fact made by Syrians in 2013, about a ninth of Sweden’s huge overall intake that year. But they’re working on it.

All but one of Sweden’s major political parties unreservedly support unrestricted immigration. According to the Centre Party, “increased migration to Sweden means that more people can participate and contribute to our collective prosperity and growth. Immigration is a huge potential resource for municipalities.” Although this flies in the face of reality, which is one of broken communities, racial tension and high unemployment wherever immigrants are “contributing to Sweden’s collective prosperity,” it is pretty much the line of the entire establishment. According to MP Staffan Danielsson, the Centre Party is even considering urging Sweden to “go a step further and let refugees seek asylum at our embassies in their respective countries” to bypass people-smugglers. At the end of 2014, former Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt implied in an oddly worded comment that new immigrants who had come to develop the country in future had as much right, if not more, to his homeland than his own compatriots with generations of Swedish ancestry. His meaning was clear enough, however, for a Danish politician to ponder whether Denmark should claim Skåne and other formerly Danish holdings in Sweden back, “given that Swedes no longer care about their country.”

In a normal country, the Centre Party and the other six members of the “sjuklövern” (seven-leaf clover) alliance of mainstream parties would be considered dangerous utopian extremists, and Reinfeldt simply a traitor, while the single major dissident party, the Sweden Democrats, which wants to rein in immigration and still believes in the now heretical concept of an ethnic Swedish homeland, would be the common-sense centre. But Sweden is no longer a normal country.

In fact, Sweden is not only a weird country, but also a divided and unhappy one. The arrival of the Sweden Democrats on the scene in 2010, the first new party voted into parliament for some time, was a huge defeat for the establishment and its multiracial project. For five years now, Sweden’s propagandist press has spewed bile and smears against the Sweden Democrats in a tacitly coordinated campaign to bring it down. Instead, the party has slowly grown in appeal and has reached a double-figure share of the electorate in votes and polls. The Sweden Democrats have made it easier for ordinary Swedes to challenge the extremism of their government and to publicly voice their fears that the country is headed for disaster. They have legitimised dissent. For this they have been marginalized and demonized by the establishment, which, in its wholly intolerant imposition of “tolerance,” has arguably become the most authoritarian country in the west.

Let writer Julia Caesar speak for the many ordinary Swedes who hate what is happening, but have been cowed into silence by social pressure and the very real threat of job loss and even physical attack.

Personally, I live in a lost country. I was born in one country and live in a completely different one. In my lifetime, Sweden has been transformed beyond recognition, and this has happened without the permission of the people. More and more of us are living in exile in our own country. Hundreds of thousands of us are escaping in a quiet and ongoing exodus from the multicultural society that has been forced upon us .. to the pockets and oases that yet remain. Within us, we carry on the memories of a country where we felt naturally at home, where we could recognize ourselves in the people around us and were secure in the belief that nothing bad would happen to us....

I live in constant protest and profound grief over all that has been taken away from me, from all of us. I rage over the smears of the politically correct elite for the millions of people who built Sweden to what it once was, and their disrespect for them. They are violating something that does not belong to them. We live in a huge, enforced lie. And one day it will collapse. As all lies do.

Monday 10 August 2015

Politically incorrect journeys (3): Sweden

This is a travel blog about Malmö, Scandinavia and the failure of multiracialism throughout northern Europe.

Taken from the free downloadable book Kebabville & Zone: Click HERE

I rented a room in a private flat in Södervärn, racially one of the most mixed areas of Malmö, in one of the many municipal apartment blocks. I was told later that Malmö’s apartment blocks have a reputation for being gerrybuilt—it was the first time I had ever heard that accusation made against the meticulous Swedes—but I could not fault mine. It was comfortable, warm, spotlessly clean and green, with a little wall plaque outside detailing its energy usage and “environmental impact.” But Södervärn, I soon found out, is one of the least desirable downtown addresses. The main problem was security. I needed to negotiate three locks to get from the street to my digs. “Homeless people try the doors,” my landlady said. “Don’t leave windows open, at any time.” A neighbour had lost a computer, and another had come home and found somebody under the bed.

Malmö is now home to well over 100 ethnicities. Most numerous are the Iraqis, at over ten thousand, though several other groups are of similar size. Overall, the immigrant population of Malmö is overwhelmingly Middle Eastern—Arabs, Turks, Kurds and Iranians—and Muslim, with a large number of Bosnians adding a European contingent to the mosque congregations. There are also Africans, Afghans, Greeks and Russians, though few Indians, Pakistanis or East Asians. Södervärn, where I was, reflected this mix.

It wasn’t exactly run down—nowhere in Sweden is—but it wasn’t a place to linger in either. When Malmö was a manufacturing city, this was a working-class residential area of solid, turn-of-the-century tenement blocks. Now you find jobcentres and welfare offices, Arab cafés, pokey bazaars and discount supermarkets, and a charmless neither-here-nor-there atmosphere. It had a lot of down-and-outs. Every day, you saw old, homeless Swedes lounging drunkenly on benches, rummaging through bins or begging by cashpoints, while Roma squatted here and there with their hands out. I was astonished that there could actually be homelessness in Sweden, a nation with more space, money and cheap construction timber than it knows what to do with. One reason, I found out later, is the pressure on housing caused by open-door immigration. There is now talk in the alternative media that local authorities are considering appropriating and housing refugees in some of the country’s half-a-million stuga summerhouses, cabins in the woods which are dear to all Swedish hearts and form a pillar of Sweden’s culture of the outdoors.

It would fair to say I spent most of my days drifting. Private freelance translation work took up a few hours each morning, and after that I would go out into the streets, sometimes with a destination in mind, sometimes to print stuff or do some heavy computing, sometimes just following my nose. Downstairs from my room was a café, run by a pair of Iranians, where I would begin the day with rolls, cheese, eggs and tomatoes, the only “Swedish” food I ate during my stay. The place opened at six-thirty in the morning to catch the bus commuters. The owner did the preparation and the wife the serving. She had been in Sweden for four years, she said, having been brought over by her husband, who had started the business. She had very little Swedish, but a warm smile that lit the whole place up on dark mornings. Here, or at another café a few doors down, I would eat and sample the press, while Malmö went to work outside the plate glass window. 
Initially, I posed as a “newly landed Swede” myself. I became a regular at the local Medborgarcentrum (citizen’s centre), where I could work with a good internet connection. At the centre, immigrants got jobseeking and welfare guidance, and help in filling out paperwork. Few had good Swedish or English. Staff tried to communicate in Swedish only, but when things broke down, they resorted to English, and if that failed, an interpreter occasionally appeared from a back-office. The staff were patient, but had a permanently jaded air and a tendency to talk in baby-Swedish that rapidly became annoying even to eavesdrop. “Har du fått anmälningsblanketten? Har - du - fått – anmälningsblanketten? Anmälningsblanketten? Re-gis-tration form? Did you get it?” This went on all morning. It wasn’t their fault—they had to talk like this, to communicate at all, but inevitably they sounded condescending. In addition to incoherent immigrants, they also had to deal with sometimes obnoxious Swedish drunks and homeless men.
Of the more than 1.7 million people granted permanent residency since 1980, only 35,000, a little more than 2%, were refugees seeking asylum by the United Nations definition, and more than 700,000 were dependents. Some came in under a new category invented by Sweden, “övrig skyddsbehövande,” or “otherwise in need of protection,” which covers those who do not meet the UN criteria, including those affected by “environmental” disasters. In 2012, 43,887 people applied for asylum, up 48% from 2011. The figures have continued to rise. During 2015, up to 94,000 people are expected to seek asylum in Sweden.

“In Malmö, asylum seekers start out at camps outside the city,” said Lars. He was an elderly volunteer helper at a nearby charity café for workless migrants and others. “They get a two-year permission to stay and then they can go on to a permanent residence permit. After a few more years they can begin the citizenship application process. And, once accepted, they can bring their spouses here too. But if you lack asylum status, it’s not at all easy to get here from the Third World.” A Cambodian he had been helping was sent back home after his tourist visa had run out, he said. Lars, who referred to Cambodia by its Khmer Rouge name of Kampuchea, had gone back with him to petition the Swedish Embassy in Phnom Penh .. “But the best way to get into Sweden, you know, is to come without papers and without passport. Just turn up, and then you go into the asylum camp, and that gets the ball rolling.”
“In other words, people throw away their papers?”
“I wouldn’t know about that.”

According to the writer Julia Caesar, to whom I am grateful for much statistical detail, 95% of foreigners who seek asylum in Sweden never present any ID document; the government basically has no idea who it is letting in. Of 54,259 foreigners who sought asylum in Sweden in 2013, only about 4,880 presented ID.
“Are those without papers ever sent back?”
“I couldn’t say.”
After a moment, he went on: “Asylum seekers get everything for free here, and that includes accommodation, whether it takes them three months or three years to get a job. It’s not easy to get a flat here unless you’re an asylum seeker.”
“And yet there’s a two-year waiting list for council flats, with homeless on the streets and youth unemployment high?”
“Yes, about 20 percent, I would guess.”
“Do you think that’s fair?”
“These are people who need help.”
In the reception area hung a large portrait of Olof Palme. On my way out, I stopped to look at it. Palme was the outspoken socialist leader who ushered in multiracialism in Sweden and who later fell victim to an assassin’s bullet in a Stockholm street—a murder that remains unsolved.
Landsfadren,” said Lars, with a smile. The father of the country.

I asked to see an advisor at one of the many official employment consultancies around town. I was referred to a middle-aged lady tapping away at a laptop. She did not look up at first, and spoke very slowly, as if to a child, in thick skånska, the heavy dialect with back-rolled ‘r’ that is characteristic of this län (province), and which I found quite hard to follow. She was clearly used to dealing with foreigners. I told her I was a migrant from Britain, looking for work in Sweden, and gave her some personal details.
“Frankly,” she said, “as a 54-year-old, you have very little chance of finding work here, regardless of background or qualification. Even if you can speak Swedish.”

What was the job market like generally?

“Employers are tired of immigrants,” she said. I had not expected such candour from a government employee. “They want Swedish people who can understand the language properly. Very few European Union nationals come to Sweden to seek work. You are unusual. Immigrants usually come from the other side of the world and they are nearly always people escaping conflicts, war and crisis. And there are many cultural problems.”

I had haircut later at an Iraqi barbers’ near my flat. The other waiting customer was also an Iraqi. We got talking as the barber worked.
“I came here as a student,” he told me in good Swedish. “I learnt the language, so my experience was not typical. But it’s really difficult for most immigrants. If you end up in a factory, you get stuck there. They just tell you hämta det, gör så här (get this, do that). You don’t really learn proper Swedish and you can’t really form relationships with people.”

The restaurant and personal-service sectors were the only real options for most newly-landed Swedes, he said. My barber was a case in point. He had very little Swedish. He had moved here from Denmark, he said, having got himself a Danish passport. It turned out the other customer had too. Both came to Sweden because competition for accommodation in Copenhagen was tough. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of immigrants had one foot in either country like this, they said. The customer said he preferred living in Sweden, because there were fewer people around. The barber said he had preferred living in Copenhagen, because there were more people around.

It was a good haircut, but I came out of there looking like a poster boy for the Hitler Youth. For some reason, while I had been yacking away, he had been quietly giving me a 1940s-style comb-over with the parting a few centimeters above my left ear. He had wanted to put pomade on. I stopped him just in time, but still he got to my quiff, and I could smell my hair for the next twelve hours.

Taken from the free downloadable book Kebabville & Zone: Click HERE

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Politically incorrect journeys (4): Sweden

This is a travel blog about Malmö, Scandinavia and the failure of multiracialism throughout northern Europe. 

Unfortunate juxtaposition: the heads appear to read "Women to take initiative in Malmö," left, and "More forced to sell sex in Skåne," at right. Look again and you see the Metro refers to immigrants.

The print media generally aroused in me an emotion towards Sweden that I had never felt before: contempt. Dave Spart is not a joke character in a satirical magazine in this country. In his Swedish incarnation, he is the chief editor of Expressen and Aftonbladet, two of the most fanatical and vicious tabloids I have ever read anywhere. Though mass immigration is not a taboo topic in Sweden, almost all criticism of it is censored, distorted or demonized in the mainstream print media. A daily barrage of hate and slander is directed at the Sweden Democrats (usually shortened to SD, for Sverigedemokraterna), the self-proclaimed ‘Sweden-friendly,’ anti-mass-immigration party with a young, fairly telegenic leadership that has been shaking up Sweden’s cosy coalition politics. Every morning I would read headlines like these: “SD are trying to delude the working class.” “SD are still racists!” “How far to the right will [SD leader] Jimmie Åkesson go?” Every single newspaper story I read about SD in a month in Sweden—and there were a lot, because its rise to double-digits in the polls has become a real worry for the establishment—was a hatchet job, often littered with Spart-like abuse originating in World War II. Around this time, local paper Länstidningen ran a cartoon of Åkesson as a giant cockroach, with a masked exterminator wearing a gas tank on which the other main parties’ logos featured. In such an environment, the party uses a box number main address on its website and its three top leaders are thought to need police protection. 

The threat of violence is very real. Referring to a scuffle incident involving party leaders and an iron rod, Swedish rapper Sebbe Staxx told the Metro on November 28, 2013, “If I had been there I would have taken the rod and put all three of them in a coma.” I read these lines and thought, this is nice little Sweden? A country where you can use the press as a platform for threatening GBH?

Indeed, violence against the “intolerant” is now seen by some Swedes as acceptable. It is “good violence.” There was TV documentary all about it on SVT in May 2014, with precisely that name, Det Goda Våldet. The “good violence” usually takes the form of physical assault or trashing of people’s homes. Even if you do not know Swedish, this uncharacteristic exposé is worth watching online, as the footage speaks for itself. It focuses on one particularly nasty organization, Revolutionära Fronten, using their own video diary of assaults with spray cans, axes and incendiary devices against conspicuously outnumbered “fascists” in the street or in their own homes. It goes without saying that the attackers are nearly all from the far left, mostly from affluent middle-class backgrounds, and that they generally hunt in packs. 

One victim was Daniel Spansk, a politician belonging to the small, nationalist Svenskarnas parti (Party of the Swedes), who was attacked by strangers on the way from a restaurant. “We had hardly got 200 meters from the restaurant before I received a leaping split kick between my shoulders and fell to the ground, I have no doubt that the mob belonged to Revolutionära Fronten, the same people who have paid lots of home visits to our members and posted videos of what they vandalized,” he told Dispatch International. While this is a fringe phenomenon, overshadowed by repeated rioting and violence within the immigrant community itself, political thuggery by gloating “antifascist” cowards in balaclavas is another gift from the world’s would-be model society that the world is better off without. In a normal country, in times of peace, the only time when thugs get your address and kick your door down in the middle of the night is when you have serious outstanding financial issues with the mob. In Sweden, it happens because of your voting preferences. It is a truly disquieting precedent, and, as we shall soon see, it is not the only form of citizen intimidation being pioneered in this strange country.

While scorning and stygmatising patriotism, the media contort themselves to present multiracialism as an unalloyed boon. The local papers, like City Malmö, were particularly crass in this regard. Every day, you would see transparently propagandist headlines, like “Enterprises that employ foreign-born people succeed more easily overseas,” or “Neglected school building finds new use as lodging for asylum seekers!” The real goal here was not to keep the public informed, the core mission of a paper, but to make the constant inflows of foreigners seem normal. Needless to say, media sensitivity about Malmö’s now international crime reputation is acute. After an Odense school cancelled an exchange trip with a local school, citing the Danish parents’ security fears, Vårt Malmö (Our Malmö), published by the city, ran a feature in which residents were asked if they felt safe in their areas. “Yes, I do,” said Darwin Celebre, the ethnic interviewee. “Yes, it’s safe, with lots of families with children,” said Eric. “I feel very safe,” said a third. Added Tove: “I feel really safe, very quiet streets.” In truth, I had some sympathy with this laughable piece of puffery. Danish schoolkids on a short visit are not likely to get hurt here. It isn’t that bad. Might hear a few police sirens, though.

The propaganda effort is greatly abetted by the police stonewalling on criminal ethnicity (though they do not censor personal names). A paper ran a story warning parents about a suspected rapist hanging around two local schools: “Three children were victims of rape in September and all three have said that the perpetrator was a man in his twenties. No suspects are currently under investigation.” That was all. Malmö has well over one hundred nationalities, but the children evidently had nothing to say about the attackers’ appearance or accent. You saw stories like this, with gaping holes, nearly every day. But all facts that make the open-door policy look bad are simply suppressed. “Political correctness” comes before public safety in Sweden. “Of course, certain people think that we should specify whether a crime has been committed by an immigrant or not,” said Lars Johansson, chief editor of Helsingborgs Dagblad (quoted by Julia Caesar). “As I see it, this is not relevant, but it is the will of the mob that we do this.” 

It almost goes without saying that in any dispute pitting immigrants against ethnic Swedes, Swedish newspapers side with the former. A minor but particularly emotive episode that generated a nationwide outcry concerned an elderly Red Cross charity shop worker, Barbro Feldt, who was secretly filmed on a smartphone telling a young Iraqi Kurd immigrant who came into her shop in Falun that she believed that ethnic Swedes should come first in job-creation measures. The Kurd posted video footage on Facebook, gloating at her “shameless, heartless” words. Aftonbladet then ran a headline accusing a Red Cross worker of offending an immigrant. Never mind that Feldt, a voluntary worker, had been set up and meanly betrayed, and that the Kurd was a convicted criminal whose upbringing had largely been financed by the Swedish taxpayer. Or, come to that, that Feldt was possibly right to want priority given to young native Swedes. The Red Cross sent in some head honchos to give Feldt a lecture on moral values, while the Kurd’s video was earmarked for internal training. The press denounced her as a xenophobe for wishing to prioritize her own people, and for making the distinction between “us” and “them,” to which an Ethopian-born Swedish Red Cross cadre professed to take particular exception. Feldt left—was evidently forced out of—the Red Cross and died soon after. There was, however, one glimmer of silver lining. When the story broke nationally, the Red Cross website crashed in a storm of online protest. Just for once, ordinary Swedes spoke back.

Books weren’t much better than the papers. In a leading bookstore, I could find only one volume that even touched on the issue of mass immigration, the most important change Sweden has faced in the last thousand years. It was called Partiet. En olycklig kärlekshistoria (The Party, an unhappy love story). It was by Eva Franchell, Aftonbladet leader-writer, and its theme was the decline of the Social Democrats, the party that presided over the golden era of nice, rich, homogenous Sweden, and, under Palme, began to destroy it. I skimmed it for twenty minutes or so. Towards the end, a single line stuck out: “It is 2012, and one in ten Swedes can think about voting for a racist party.” There, in one sneering line, you have the establishment stance on immigration in Sweden, in all its depth and subtlety. Yet if you go on one of the Swedish alternative news websites, you will find at least a dozen books on this subject, with titles like Jan Sjunnesson’s Sverige 2020: Från extremt experiment till normal nation (Sweden 2020: From extreme experiment to normal nation) and Julia Caesar’s Landet som försvann (The land that vanished), professionally written by respected commentators, and available only through specialist publishers who often charge their authors. Mainstream publishers in Sweden refuse to handle this kind of material. It was shocking to realize that the closest parallel to this situation in Europe that I could think of was samizdat press of the USSR.